Saturday, 17 March 2018

(part 3) "The madness of Sheik Gero Argungu and the devil in Yemi Osinbajo" - Femi Fan I - Kayode writes

If there was ever a need to provide any evidence to prove that Dr. Reuben Abati's "Villa curse" is real, this is it.
Claiming that southerners and Christians are the greatest beneficiaries of Buhari's government is rather like saying that human beings are the greatest beneficiaries of hell. The truth is that Nigeria is as much of a paradice for southerners and Christians as hell is for damned and lost souls.

I am constrained to ask the question:
Is my old friend Yemi Osinbajo alright upstairs? Giving what he has said, I really do have cause to question his sanity. I am convinced that he needs help. First he said Nigeria cannot be restructured and that those leaders they have called for restructuring were just looking for government appointments. Then he said that we must forgive the Fulani terrorist that have been slaugtering and maiming thousands of innocent and defenceless Christians in the Middle Belt and the south over the last three years.

Finally he said that we must not attempt to defend our loved ones, our families, our homes, our farms, and our land when the Fulani attack and that instead we must allow them to do as that please and pray for them.

Strange counsel indeed. Yet when it comes to the activities of his fellow Christians and southerners his tune changes, he becomes aggressive , unforgiving , war - like and bellicose and he proudly proclaims that the federal government and the Nigerian people must crush and kill members of Nnamdi Kanu's IPOB even though there is no record of them attacking or murdering anyone or of carrying arms.

How does the Vice President explain this glaring - double - standard? How does he rationalize this schizophrenic 'Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde' disposition? How does he manage to show his face in public and still hold his head up high when it is increasingly obvious that he has been struck with an afflictions that is commonly referred to as the 'Stockholm Syndrome?'

In his words there appears to be one law of northern Muslims and another for southern Christians. When a Northern Muslim Fulani terrorist slaughters innocent and defenceless men, women and children he is supported by the state, given free reign for giving and proud for this unacceptable application and display of double - standards, skewered values, institutional racism, preferential treatment and nonsensical implementation of an absurd and self serving policy can best be described as 'the gospel according to Osinbajo'  Yet, his latest contribution , namely that Christians and southerners are the major beneficiaries  of Buhari's government, makes is previous utterances pale into insignificance. His latest 'faux pass' can best be described as the mother of all lies and the most shameful and dishonest contribution that ANY Vice President has EVER made to public discourse in our entire history.

Osinbajo's nauseating mendacities and his sickening attempt to further ingratiate himself to his master Bihari and the Fulani ruling class at the expence of the welfare and safety of the Christian community and southern Nigerians is as repugnant as it is repulsive. Simply put, he turns my stomach.

The truth is that he betrayed the south and Christendom long ago by standing shoulder to shoulder with a man and people whose hatred and sheer contempt for southerners and Christians can hardly be disputed and can barely be hidden. Worst still, Osinbajo makes no apology for his servile and cowardly disposition, he is totally unashamed and unrepentant of it and he can never be redeemed.

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